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Shin Han-seung, Professor at Dongguk University, Inaugurated as ...

Date 2020.04.09. Writer admin Hits 909


Shin Han-seung, Professor at Dongguk University, Inaugurated as Chairman of International Life Science Institute Korea


Shin Han-seung, Professor at Dongguk University, Inaugurated as Chairman of International Life Science Institute Korea

Professor Shin Han-seung of Dongguk University (Professor in the Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, president of the Bio-Medical Convergence Research Institute) was inaugurated as the chairman of the International Life Science Institute Korea (ILSI Korea) on the 15th. His term continues until December 2022.

ILSI Korea is an international non-profit scientific organization that identifies key issues and research trends in life-science technology, food safety, health, nutrition, and new biotechnology from a global perspective and explores and develops solutions through scientific collaboration. Currently, it consists of 16 branches and research foundations worldwide and is pursuing continuous cooperation to close the gap in scientific knowledge among countries and regions by hosting and attending international conferences.

Professor Shin Han-seung has produced outstanding research accomplishments, publishing approximately 150 papers in SCI international journals in food safety and toxicology. He received the Hwangpa FSB Academic Award in 2013 and the 2016 Korean Toxicological Society Grand Award. In 2017, he was awarded the Service of Merit Medal, a government award from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in recognition of his contributions in the field of food safety and toxicology.