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Publication of East Asian Buddhist Literature, Korea’s First Eng...

Date 2020.04.14. Writer admin Hits 1022


Publication of East Asian Buddhist Literature, Korea’s First English Journal Specializing in East Asian Buddhist Literature by the Institute for Buddhist Culture at Dongguk University


Dongguk University’s (President Yoon Sung-yee) Department of East Asian Buddhist Literature Translation at the Institute for Buddhist Culture (Director Kim Jong-wook) recently published the first volume of East Asian Buddhist Literature (EABL). EABL is the only English journal in Korea that specializes in East Asian Buddhist Literature. Professor Kim Jong-wook at Dongguk University and Professor Ochiai Toshinori at the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies in Japan are the joint chief editors of EABL, and specialists of Korean, American, Chinese, and Japanese Buddhist literatures form the editorial committee.

The EABL discovers and critically interprets manuscripts and printed copies of Buddhist literature in East Asia, including those from Korea. Based on research findings, the journal connects with the original literature and explains it in English.

EABL is the sister journal to Korea’s only English Buddhist Journal, International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture, issued by the Institute for Buddhist Culture. The publication of EABL is said to have accelerated the Institute’s pace for the internationalization of Korean Buddhism study.