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Research team of Professor Sung-in Cho at Dongguk University dev...

Date 2020.10.28. Writer ADMIN Hits 1023


Research team of Professor Sung-in Cho at Dongguk University develops video aspect ratio adjustment technology using video extrapolation

A research team led by Multimedia Engineering Professor Sung-in Cho at Dongguk University has developed innovative technology for adjusting the aspect ratio of video contents using video area expansion. The multimedia engineering technology was published in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (Impact Factor: 9.340, top 3.947% JCR), the most prestigious journal in the field of image processing. The research led by Professor Cho significantly improved user satisfaction by expressing the aspect ratio of a video content display without distortion. It was necessary for the research team to ensure that the aspect ratio adjustment algorithm could be used in actual display products. They successfully verified their work, by proposing a method that creates a region that does not exist in the input image, and an algorithm that can block visual distortion that users can feel in advance. Summarizing his work, Professor Cho stated the following: "This research has developed a new approach that can express existing content without distortion in the recently diversified display aspect ratios”. He added that “Through an experiment, we verified that the algorithm proposed by displays with various aspect ratios shows overwhelmingly outstanding customer satisfaction to the existing aspect ratio adjustment technology”. This research was conducted in collaboration with Sogang University and was supported by Samsung Electronics, alongside the National Research Foundation of Korea.