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Prof. Hyun-Sik Im from the Division of Physics and Semiconductor...

Date 2021.01.08. Writer ADMIN Hits 3981


Prof. Hyun-Sik Im from the Division of Physics and Semiconductor Science receives Commendation from the Minister of Science and Technology


Prof. Hyun-Sik Im from the Division of Physics and Semiconductor Science receives Commendation from the Minister of Science and Technology


Professor Hyun-Sik Im from the Division of Physics and Semiconductor Science at Dongguk University received a commendation from the Minister of Science and Technology at the “2020 Annual Conference on Radiation Technology and Industry Promotion” on December 22.

Since 2015, Prof. Im has developed radiation sensors as part of a project to develop source technology for radiation sensors supported by the Research Foundation and the Korean Association for Radiation Application. He has published articles in internationally prestigious academic journals and applied for patents in Korea and elsewhere. He is also undertaking joint research projects with a number of domestic companies.

In particular, the commendation was given in recognition of his contribution to enhancing national competitiveness by developing source technology for radiation detection materials.