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Prof. Jung-Suk Sung from the Department of Life Sciences receive...

Date 2021.01.08. Writer ADMIN Hits 3144


Prof. Jung-Suk Sung from the Department of Life Sciences receives Commendation from the Minister of Environment

Prof. Jung-Suk Sung from the Department of Life Sciences receives Commendation from the Minister of Environment

Prof. Jung-Suk Sung from the Department of Life Sciences receives Commendation from the Minister of Environment


Since 2016, Prof. Sung has undertaken a project analyzing the anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and cell neurotoxic properties of biotoxin-specific peptides.

The project entitled, “Exploring the Usefulness of Natural Organism-derived Toxins” was commissioned by the National Institute of Biological Resources under the Ministry of Environment. He has also developed AI prediction and discovery models for building domestic biological and genetic resources that can be used for the commercialization of useful materials.

As a result, three patents were registered and several international papers published He received a commendation in recognition of his contribution towards securing domestic natural organisms and genetic resources through public relations efforts he made in 2018.