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Lecture on 「Global Capstone Design」Project based learning (PBL) ...

Date 2022.02.03. Writer admin Hits 1994



Lecture on 「Global Capstone Design」
Project based learning (PBL) of global industry fields


Dongguk University conducts a lecture to nurture global key talents
On Friday, January 14, 2022, the Office of International Affairs, Dongguk University, announced that it will be jointly opening a lecture on 「Global Capstone Design」 with the LINC+ Project Group, headed by Youngsik Jung, as a part of the global project based learning (gPBL) program.
Dean Sejin Min of the Office of International Affairs explained the background of this program, saying that “with the increasing demand for global companies and overseas employment, it is becoming increasingly important to strengthen the learning of practical capabilities through PBL learning focused on solving problems in global industry fields. Further, with a growing interest in Korea, [the Office of International Affairs] devised a global learning project that extends beyond the typical student exchanges with universities overseas.” She added that “the existing PBL was expanded to gPBL, which is expected to dominate the role as a platform that meets the demands of the consumers of both education and talent.”
「Global Capstone Design」 is a two-week program that will begin on Monday, Month 17, 2022. and end on the Friday, Month 28, 2022. This program aims to nurture key global talents with the capability to perform tasks and solve problems based on actual examples in global industry fields.
A total of 17 students from Dongguk University and its sister universities in 3 countries (Malaysia, France, and Finland) will be participating in this global industry-university program. The students will be conducting a joint project by analyzing the case studies of advanced industries through an online platform in connection with Bithumb (Korea’s No.1 cryptocurrency platform), a promising global Korean company.
Professor Sungbeom Jeon of Department of Industrial System Engineering at Dongguk University will be in charge of the lecture. Professor Jeon expressed his expectations, stating that “through this global exchange program, the students will be able to cultivate the ability to communicate and collaborate with a diverse group of students from different cultures and backgrounds. Further, the process and final presentation of the joint project with a cryptocurrency-related company will serve as a great opportunity for the students who wish to advance into fintech in the future.”
After a pilot operation this winter break, the LINC+ Project Group will be collaborating with various global companies to promote a global industry-academy course in the regular curriculum from 2022.