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Dongguk University has been selected as the “Best University” in...

Date 2020.01.13. Writer Editor Hits 1270


Dongguk University has been selected as the “Best University” in the Dong-A Daily Youth Dream University evaluation

Selected for the third time consecutively for employment and start-up support


Dongguk University has been selected as the “Best University” in the Dong-A Daily Youth Dream University evaluation

According to the results of the 2019 Youth Dream University evaluation, which Dong-A Daily and Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Information Service conduct with the research company, Macromill Embrain, on December 9, Dongguk University was selected as the best university for the third consecutive time.

The Youth Dream University evaluation, which was introduced in 2013, is being held for the fifth time this year. It focuses on how actively a university supports employment of the students and start-ups and how effectively does it run the career guidance system. This year, the Youth Dream University was selected based on the information on 224 four-year universities from across the nation published in Higher Education in Korea.

Dongguk University is growing into a startup campus that represents Korea both in name and reality by introducing an active business-friendly bachelor’s system, including the undergraduate major linked to start-up, leave of absence system for start-ups, establishment of general graduate school of technology and start-ups, and operation of start-up credit system for fostering a university start-up culture. For the first time in Korea, it has launched a leave of absence system for start-ups, which allows students who establish a start-up to take a leave of absence for up to two years (four semesters). As of 2019, it has been evaluated that more than ninety students are pursuing the dream of becoming entrepreneurs.

The differentiated career support system offered by the university also stands out. Dongguk University's Big Career Service logically organizes the Top 30 companies that have hired the maximum number of graduates and shares employment information related to these companies. In addition, alumni can find information on employment. It also provides statistics on field trips, double majors, international exchanges, and job programs that business alumni seniors found useful for employment. An important point is that since 2012, it has offered a platform for students to compare their employment competency with seniors who have been employed by companies based on their graduate degree and supports the current students to develop the capabilities that they lack.