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Dongguk University and the Shanghai University of Traditional Ch...

Date 2020.02.04. Writer Editor Hits 959


Dongguk University and the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Strike an Exchange Agreement

Exchanges in education and research


Dongguk University and the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Strike an Exchange Agreement

Our school and the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine struck an exchange agreement on the 6th (last Monday).

Beopsan Sunim, the Chairman of the Board, visited the Shanghai University of Traditional Medicine in China on Monday the 6th to strike the education and research agreement between the two schools.

The focus areas of the exchange consist of ▲Exchanges for undergraduate and research students ▲Exchanges for staff and faculty ▲Exchanges in academic data, publications, and academic information and ▲The organization of joint research and conferences.

For the agreement ceremony, the attendees from our school included Beopsan Sunim, the Chairman of the Board of Dongguk University, Kim Dong-Il, the Dean of the Dongguk University College of Korean Medicine, Park Ki-ryun, the Head of the Corporate Office, Lim Joong-yeon, the Head of the International Affairs Office, and Lee Hyung-yeol, the Chief Administrator of Ilsan Hospital. The Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine was represented by Seo Kun-gwang, the President of the school, Jung Lim-yoon, the Head of the International Exchange Office, Yu Hua, the head of the Hospital Management Office, Seo Hong-mae, the Head of the Development Planning Office, and Seo Jung, the Dean of Academic Affairs.

The Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, established in 1956, is the first traditional Chinese medicine school in China. It has approximately 8,000 students and 1,300 faculty members; in addition, the school has 8 hospitals. Other than Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Materia Medica and Clinical Integrative Chinese, and Western Medicine, the school also offers majors in Nursing, Food Safety and Nutrition, Rehabilitation Therapy, Pharmaceutical Science, Bio-engineering, and Preventive Medicine.