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Dongguk University achieves 9th place in Joon...

Date 2022.12.07. Writer 최수완 Hits 1141

Dongguk University achieves 9th place in JoongAng Ilbo's college rankings for the second consecutive year


동국대 중앙일보 대학평가 2년 연속 9위 달성


Dongguk University (President Yoon Sung-Yee) ranked 9th in the 2022 JoongAng Ilbo college rankings released on the 14th November (Mon), the highest ranking achieved in two consecutive years.


Dongguk University ranked 9th for the second consecutive year, ranking 4th in the ▲ student education category (previously ranked 5th), ▲ 14th in faculty research (previously 12th), ▲ 10th in social reputation (previously 13th), and 29th in educational environment (previously 26th).


The university has been revamped as a research-oriented university through the "Energize Dongguk" project, which commenced in 2019. It ranked 9th for the second consecutive year, following the highest-ever ranking of 9th last year, laying the foundation for the top 10 universities in name and reality.


Dongguk University, which ranked the highest in the field of student education among the evaluation criteria, had particularly good results due to its strength in the field of start-up support. The student education category is an indicator of the quantity and quality of employment or entrepreneurship, and the efforts of universities to help students enter society through field training and start-up education.


Dongguk University scored 57.010 points out of 80 and ranked fourth, its highest ever. It recorded ▲3rd in the proportion of students participating in field training (previously 5th), ▲5th in the rate of withdrawal (previously 8th), and ▲3rd in the rate of withdrawal by foreign students (previously 6th). Dongguk University announced that it has strengthened the qualitative evaluation of field training this year and actively conducted quality field training. It created an appropriate program through its faculty and alumni network to support field training after investigating the requirements of students and companies. It has been analyzed that the university has received strong points as it satisfies the quantitative and qualitative levels of student start-ups.


It also maintained its high ranking in the faculty research category, which comprises the highest portion in the JoongAng Ilbo college rankings. It ranked 14th in the faculty research category, making great strides in humanities research, ranking ▲9th in domestic thesis per humanities and social sciences professor (previously 13th) and ▲13th in humanities and social sciences publications (previously 27th).


Dongguk University recently stood out in internal and external evaluations, ranking 10th in terms of social reputation. It ranked ▲11th in the list of colleges where companies would like to recruit its incoming employees from (previously 15th) and ▲ 10th in preferred colleges by student parents (previously 13th).


Dongguk University President Yoon Sung-Yee, who heard the results of the college rankings stated that "The most important factor that facilitated Dongguk University achieving 9th place for two consecutive years is that it focused on ‘education’ itself, which is the basis of the university,” and “In order to fulfill its responsibilities as a research institution, the school has now established itself as a research-oriented university through the ‘Energize Dongguk’ project, and through this, it has now established itself as a university with good research results”. She went on to state that “Dongguk University will not be satisfied with the current ranking, but rather achieve the top 5 by working continuously together with all members of the faculty.”