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Dongguk University chosen as “Best University...

Date 2023.02.07. Writer 최수완 Hits 1649

Dongguk University chosen as “Best University” in the field of information and communication according to “University Evaluation from the Industry Perspective”

김웅섭 정보통신공학전공 PD교수가 시상식에서 수상 후 기념촬영을 하고 있다.

Woong-sup Kim, PD professor at the Department of Information and Communication Engineering, takes a commemorative photo after receiving the honor at the awards ceremony.


Department of Information and Communication Engineering rated best for two consecutive years following 2017 evaluation


○ Dongguk University (president: Yoon Sung-Yee) announced on the 12th that the university was selected as the best university in the field of information and communication at the “2022 University Evaluation from the Industry Perspective” hosted by the Ministry of Education and the Accreditation Board for Engineering Education of Korea.


○ Since 2008, the Ministry of Education and the Accreditation Board for Engineering Education of Korea have been promoting talents with convergence and complex capabilities in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution. To run a curriculum that meets the needs of the industry, the duo conducts a university evaluation from an industry perspective every year. This year, 26 universities and 42 departments across the country were evaluated in four categories, namely information and communication, civil engineering, artificial intelligence, and smart factory.


○ The evaluation committee of “University Evaluation from the Industry Perspective” is made up of industry and university officials with an extensive knowledge of the evaluation field. The committee evaluates three areas using 9 indicators: ▲Industry-based curriculum design ▲Curriculum operation, and ▲ Performance of universities (departments). The indicator this year specifically reflected the university's efforts to activate its own industry-university collaboration model to promote future talent.


○ Dongguk University’s Department of Information and Communication Engineering attained the highest rating in the information and communication field. It was awarded a certification plaque in the joint name of the Ministry of Education, five economic organizations, and the Accreditation Board for Engineering Education of Korea. Following an evaluation in 2017, it was selected as the best department in the field of information and communication for two consecutive years.


○ The Department of Information and Communication Engineering at Dongguk University is working on the “LINC 3.0 Project Industry-University Collaboration Leading Department” and “Project of Fostering Intellectual Property Convergence Talents in New Industry Field.” A department in the graduate school formed under a contract for “Smart Ocean Mobility” facilitates employment with Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering upon graduation, starting from the first semester of 2023. 


○ Min-joong Lim, senior professor at the Department of Information and Communication Engineering, said, “Dongguk University establishes and operates education policies that reflect industry demand. The results achieved by this university evaluation from an industry perspective are due to the sincere efforts of the university and faculty, and the university will always promote talent that can contribute to the industry in the future.”