College of Engineering

College of Engineering

공과대학 소개 이미지

Department of Electrical Engineering



The division consists of 23 (as of March, 2010) faculty members, more than 800 highly-motivated undergraduate students, with a general program and an advanced program offered through the Engineering Education Accreditation Program.

The advanced program of Electronics & Electrical Engineering aims to foster qualified electrical engineers and emphasizes developing well-rounded, decent members of society with appropriate ethics and a sense of responsibility, as well as collaboration and communication skills.

In doing so, it recognizes the importance of the social impact of the rapid development of electrical technologies and the responsibility of each member of society.

Furthermore, The division provides students with the fundamental knowledge, project management skills, and leadership skills that enable them to become managers and leaders.


- 0 Creative Engineering Design -1 Probability and Random Process -2 Digital Signal Processing and Design

- 3 Electric Circuit Laboratory -4 Digital Laboratory -5 Digital Communication and its Laboratory

- 6 Circuit Theory 1 -7 Circuit Theory 2 -8 Multimedia Contents Programming and its Laboratory

- 9 Physical Electronics 1 -10 Physical Electronics 2 -11 Application of Microprocessor and its Laboratory

- 12 Electromagnetics 1 -13 Electromagnetics 2 -14 Multimedia Contents Signal Processing and its Laboratory

- 15 Digital Engineering -16 Logic Design -17 Antenna and Electromagnetic Wave Propagation and its Laboratory

- 18 SOC Design -19 Solid State Electronic Devices -20 Engineering for Renewable Energy Generation

- 21 Electric Power Engineering1 -22 Electric Power Engineering 2 -23 C Language and Programming Tools

- 24 Electrical Machinery1 -25 Electrical Machinery 2 -26 Power System Modeling and Simulation

- 27 Signals and Systems -28 Capstone Design -29 Automatic Control System and Design

- 30 Analog IC Design -31 Computer Architecture and Design -32 Electric Measurement and Sensor Engineering

- 33 Electrical Application -34 Electromagnetic Energy Conversion -35 Electric Power Markets and Economics

- 36 Internship -37 Mobile Communication Engineering -38 Motorforce Control and Application

- 39 Robotics -40 Material Science -41 Semiconductor Device Process

- 42 High Voltage Engineering -43 Power Electronics -44 Electronic Circuits and its Laboratory 1

- 45 Optical Electronics -46 Electric Facilities and Design -47 Communication Theory and its Laboratory

- 48 Digital IC Design -49 Digital Control and its Laboratory -50 Electronic Circuits and its Laboratory 2

- 51 Microwave Circuit Design -52 Electronics Application

Graduate Program

By teaching basic principles about electrical engineering, the graduate program of Electronics and Electrical Engineering aims to nurture students who can respond to fast-changing academic trends and to meet the needs of society. Furthermore, we teach students to contribute to society and the country with a sense of responsibility and self-sacrifice by promoting cultural development and utilizing electrical technologies in an efficient and safe way. The Graduates of our graduate program have worked in various environments; some graduates work for large companies, such as Samsung Electronics, Hynix Semiconductors, LG Electronics and SK Telecom, IBM, etc., while others prefer small venture companies.

1. Majors
2. MS programs : Communication & Electromagnetic Wave / Digital System & Electronic Application Microelectronics / Multimedia Contents & Signal ProcessPower Conversion Systems / Power Systems & Renewable Energies
1. Ph.D programs: Communication & Electromagnetic Wave / Digital System & Electronic Application Microelectronics / Multimedia Contents & Signal Process Power Conversion Systems / Power Systems & Renewable Energies


Name Picture Major Final degree school E-mail
Keon-Wook Kim 김건욱 Spatial signal processing system Univ. of Florida
Min-Seong Kim 김민성 Artificial Intelligent Control System Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology(POSTECH)
Sam-Dong Kim 김삼동 Semiconductor devices and
process technology
Stanford Univ.
Sung-Jun Kim Semiconductor device Seoul National Univ.
Hyun-Seok Kim 김현석 Nanoelectronics Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
Kang-Ryoung Park 박강령 Multimedia video signal processing Yonsei Univ.
Jeong-Dong Park 박정동 Ultra-high-frequency engineering and analog /
RF Integrated Circuit Design
University of California Berkeley
Hyun-Chang Park 박현창 Ultra-high frequency semiconductor devices and integrated circuits /
Antenna and radio wave application
Cornell Univ.
Byun Sang-Jin 변상진 Analog And
Mixed Signal Integrated Circuit Design
In-soo Son 손인수 Communication signal processing Southern Methodist Univ.
Jae Cheol Shin 신재철 Optoelectronic devices University of Wisconsin-Madison
Chee-Sun Won 원치선 Digital Image Processing Univ. of Massachusetts(Amherst)
Dong-Wook Lee 이동욱 Digital communication and
signal processing
Georgia Tech
Woong-Hee Lee 이웅희 Signal Processing and Machine Learning Seoul National Univ.
Byung-Hoon Jeon 전병훈 Electrical and electronic materials,
High Voltage Discharge Plasma
Keio Univ.
Joon-Hyeon Jeon 전준현 Digital Filters and
Waveform Conversions
Jin-Woo Jung 정진우 Distributed power system,
Power conversion application
The Ohio State Univ.
Hyun-Sam Jung 정현삼 Power electronics, Electric motor control,
Grid-tied converter
Seoul National Univ.
Han-Ho Choi 최한호 Control and Robotics KAIST
Ki-Jin Han 한기진 Electric machines Georgia Institute of Technology
You-Pyo Hong 홍유표 SOC Design Univ. of Southern California
Seung-Hoon Hwang 황승훈 Wireless and mobile communication Yonsei Univ.
Batchuluun Ganbayar 간바야르 Image processing Dongguk Univ.
Dhanasekaran Vikraman 다나 Semiconductor Physics Alagappa Univ.
Bathula Chinna 바투라시나 Organic/Polymer Chemistry Karnatak Univ.
K. Karuppasamy 카룹 Electronic Materials Anna Univ.
Muhammd Ismail 이스마일 Semiconductor physics Bahauddin Zakariya Univ.
Chandreswar Mahata 찬드레스워 마하타 Semiconductor device fabrication and
Jadavpur Univ.
Tahir Mahmood 타힐마하무드 Deep learning and Image processing Dongguk Univ.
Teli Aviraj Mahadev 텔리아비라지 Semiconductor devices Shivaji University
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Department of Information and Communication Engineering



The department of Information Communication Engineering consists of 10 faculty members (as of March 2025) and more than 300 highly motivated undergraduate students. Information and communication technology (ICT) has recently been recognized as a key technology for the 4th Industrial Revolution. As a result, ICT-related industries and research fields are demanding abilities such as software design, platform-based applications, understanding of digital systems, application of artificial intelligence, and utilization of computer networks and security systems. In response to these societal demands, our department offers a variety of programming and mathematics courses as basic curricula to help students develop problem-solving skills that are fundamental to the ICT technology field. In addition, the major curriculum covers the basic theory and practice of information processing, digital systems, artificial intelligence, security, IoT, computer networks, and next-generation communication technologies, which are core technologies in the ICT field.


- 0 Adventure Design -1 ICT and Software -2 ICT Programming
- 3 Data Structures -4 ICT Mathematics -5 Computer Organization 
- 6 Object-Oriented Programming - 7 Computer Algorithm – 8 Probability & Random Process 
- 9 Signals and Systems – 10 Operating Systems – 11 ARM Microprocessor
- 12 Data Communications – 13 Digital Signal Processing – 14 Communication Theory
- 15 Mobile Software – 16 Embedded Systems – 17 Database Systems 
- 18 Computer Networks – 19 Digital Image Processing – 20 Digital Communications
- 18 Operating Systems -19 Network Design -20 Advanced Digital Filter Design
- 21 Software Engineering and Design – 22 Machine Learning – 23 Intelligent IoT Platform
- 24 Network Programming – 25 Data Compression – 26 Wireless Communications
- 27 Deep Learning – 28 Network Security – 29 Intelligent IoT Systems 
- 30 Communication System Software – 31 Encryption Algorithms and Applications – 32 Capstone Design

Graduate Program

In the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, computer, communication, and information technologies play an important role. The aim of the graduate program of Information Communication Engineering is to nurture students who can lead society by providing them with high level of education and research programs in the computer, communication, and information fields.

1. Majors
4. MS programs: Information Communication Engineering / Computer
5. PhD programs: Information Communication Engineering / Computer


Name Picture Major Final degree school E-mail
Yang-Woo Kim 김양우 Computer Architecture Syracuse Univ.
Jae-Hwoon Lee 이재훈 Networks KAIST
Chul Ryu 류철 Digital Signal Processing Polytechnic Inst. of NYU
Min-Joong Rim 임민중 Communication Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
Dae-Woon Lim 임대운 Communication Seoul National Univ.
Woong-Sup Kim 김웅섭 Software Engineering Michigan State Univ.
Eun-Chan Park 박은찬 Wireless networks Seoul National Univ.
Yu-Cheol Lee 이유철 Robotics and AI Navigation KAIST
Ki-Song Lee 이기송 ICT convergence KAIST
Jun Wook Kang 강준욱 Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Seoul National Univ.
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Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering



The College of Industrial Studies was reorganized into the College of Engineering and Department of Urban System Engineering, which was renamed to Civil Engineering. The department of Civil Engineering was renamed the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in 1998.

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering provides a general program of Civil and Environmental Engineering and a specialized program, the Engineering Education Accreditation Program.

It aims to nurture qualified professionals that satisfy industry demands. Many graduates are in variety of fields, such as educational and research institutes, consulting companies, the government sector, private construction industries, and many other related fields.


- 0 Fluid Mechanics -1 Introduction to Computer-Aided Design -2 Introduction to Engineering analysis

- 3 Applied Mechanics -4 Geotechnical Engineering Design -5 Civil and Environmental System Capstone Design

- 6 Strength of Materials -7 Creative Engineering Design -8 Introduction to Civil & Environmental Engineering

- 9 Water and Environment -10 Application of Engineering Software -11 System Design for Aquatic Environment and Facility

- 12 Environmental Engineering -13 Rock and Tunnel Engineering -14 Contracts and Legal Issues in Construction

- 15 Civil Engineering Geology -16 Computational Analysis of Structures -17 Design of RC and PSC Structures

- 18 Design of Steel Structures -19 Hydraulic Analysis and Experiment -20 Materials and Testing for Civil Engineers

- 21 Surveying and Practice -22 Environmental Hydraulics Engineering -23 Construction Engineering Estimation & Methods

- 24 Structural Analysis -25 Reinforced Concrete -26 Water Quality Engineering and Experiment

- 27 Soil Mechanics II -28 Soil Mechanics and Testing -29 Introduction to Construction Management

Graduate Program

The graduate program of Civil and Environmental Engineering covers diverse engineering fields ranging from planning, designing and constructing infrastructure systems to maintaining and operating those systems. Civil engineering infrastructure systems include a range of facilities, such as harbors, dams, reservoirs, roads and industrial facilities. The Civil and Environmental Engineering Program aims to nurture professional engineers with responsibility and creativity in the field of civil and environmental engineering. We also train future engineers who can respond to changes in advanced technology such as automation and development of civil and environmental structures' design and building, conduct high level of research and contribute to opening a more convenient future than ever before.


3. Majors
1. MS programs: Structural Engineering / Geotechnical Engineering / Water Resources Engineering / Construction Management
2. PhD programs: Structural Engineering / Geotechnical Engineering / Water Resources Engineering / Construction Management


Name Picture Major Final degree school E-mail
Sang-Il Lee 이상일 Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Stanford Univ.
Bong-Yeon Cho 조봉연 Environmental Engineering
Water quality
Tokyo Univ.
Jee-Ho Lee 이지호 Structural Analysis U.C. Berkeley
Sang-Bum Kim 김상범 Construction Management Univ. of Texas, Austin
Bum-Joo Kim 김범주 Geotechnical Engineering Purdue University
Joo-Hyon Kang 강주현 Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Univ. California -
Los Angeles(UCLA)
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Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering


Our Vision

The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering has provided an outstanding educational system since 1966. Our department cultivates future-oriented engineering talents who can proactively lead the next century by acquiring wisdom and mercy based on the educational purposes of Dongguk university and the college of engineering, and preparing for globalization and rapidly changing society. To this end, our department aims to cultivate international-level chemical and biological engineering professionals with excellent technical skills, moral responsibility, and cooperative ability based on basic knowledge and theory of chemical and biological engineering. Our students will be able to design, operate, maintain, and manage all chemical and biological engineering-related industrial facilities safely, economically, and environmentally friendly, and demonstrate creative research and application abilities. To achieve our educational purpose of the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, we have set specific educational objectives as follows.

Our Mission

(1) Improvement of professional knowledge to understand, analyze, and solve problems in the field of chemical and biological engineering
(2) Cultivation of talents who can demonstrate industrial practice and research development capabilities
(3) Facilitation of proper vocational ethics and social responsibility
(4) Education to communicate effectively within a team with a cooperative spirit
(5) Cultivation of engineers with foreign language skills who can cooperate with international experts


Year Class
Spring Semester Fall Semester
1st Introduction to Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Adventure Design

· Industrial Organic Chemistry 1

· Material Science and Engineering

· Industrial Microbiology

· Industrial Physical Chemistry

· Chemical Process Calculation

· Chemical & Biochemical Engineering Lab-Fundamentals

· Industrial Organic Chemistry 2

· Introduction to Polymer Engineering

· Applied Biochemistry

· Introduction to Environmental Engineering

· Instrumental Analysis for Chemical & Biochemical Engineering

· Basic Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics


· Chemical & Biochemical Engineering Lab-Unit Operation 1

· Molecular Biotechnology

· Cosmetic Biomaterials

· Chemical Reaction Engineering

· Fluid Mechanics in Chemical Engineering

· Applied Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

· Chemical & Biochemical Engineering Lab-Applications

· Human Biomedical Engineering

· Electronic Information Display Materials

· Catalytic Reaction Engineering

· Heat and Mass Transfer


· Chemical & Biochemical Engineering
Lab-Unit Operation 2

· Polymer Materials & Applications

· Biochemical Engineering

· Colloid Science and Engineering

· Unit Operation

· Chemical Process Analysis

· Introduction to Energy Materials & Devices

· Capstone Design 1

· Display Materials Engineering

· Cosmetics Process Engineering

· Chemical Engineering Seminar

· Process Modeling and Simulation

· Capstone Design 2


Graduate Program

MS programs: Chemical Engineering
PhD and Master/PhD integrated programs: Chemical Engineering


Name Picture Major Final degree school E-mail
Myung-Cheon Lee 이명천 Polymer Engineering Purdue Univ.
Jong-Ju Lim 임종주 Chemical engineering Rice Univ.
Sang-Kwon Park 박상권 Colloidal Nanomaterials Auburn Univ.
Jeong-In Han 한정인 Electronic materials KAIST
Kee-Hoon Won 원기훈 Biocatalyst Engineering Pohang Univ. of Science & Technology
Sung-Kyu Hong 홍성규 Electronic information and
Kyushu Univ.
Taek-Jin Kang 강택진 Chemical engineering -
Biochemical engineering
Seoul National Univ.
Jung-Hoon Park 박정훈 Clean Energy Process and
Separation Engineering
Korea Univ.
Kyo-Bum Kim 김교범 Cell & Tissue Engineering Univ. of Maryland
Michael John Binns 마이클존빈스 Chemical Engineering –
Process Design and Modelling
Univ. of Manchester
Min-Jae Choi 최민재 Semiconductor Nanomaterials,
Optoelectronic Devices
Jinwoo Park 박진우 Process Systems Engineering Yonsei Univ.
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Department of Mechanical, Robotics and Energy Engineering



The department offers a general program and a specialized program, the Engineering Education Accreditation Program. Mechanical, Robotics and Energy Engineering is closely connected with all types of engineering. It explores various theories, their application of the conversion and transfer of energy and the design and production of machinery. Mechanical, Robotics and Energy Engineering was established in 1992 as Mechanical Engineering and the department trains highly-qualified mechanical engineers in a range of skills, including systematic analysis, comprehensive design, and practical applications.


- 0 Mechanical Drawing -1 Mechanical Engineering Analysis -2 Control of Mechanical Systems and Lab

- 3 Kinematics -4 Dynamics -5 Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration

- 6 Mechanics of Solids -7 Fluid Mechanics -8 Introduction to Robot Engineering

- 9 Engineering Thermodynamics -10 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering and Practice -11 Applied Mechanical Design

- 12 CAE -13 Engineering Materials -14 Special Topics in Energy Problem

- 15 Mechatronics and Practice -16 Stress Analysis and Lab -17 Applied Thermodynamics and Lab

- 18 Heat Transfer -19 Design of Machine Elements -20 Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering

- 21 Manufacturing Engineering -22 Manufacturing Process Lab -23 Introduction to Automobile Engineering

- 24 Vibrations and Noise -25 Introduction to Robot Engineering -26 Vibration and Noise

- 27 CAD/CAM -28 Creative Engineering Design and Practice -29 Mechanical Measurement and Lab

30 Mechanical System Design II -31 Mechanical System Design I -32 Fluids Engineering and Lab

Graduate Program

The Graduate program of Industrial and Systems Engineering covers the overall efficiency of systems. Students are prepared for system integration and system analysis by learning about theories and techniques used for integrating all components into a coherent system and analysis of completed system. The graduate program aims to teach students to develop the ability to design, operate and assess elements which comprise production, service and information systems. We also nurture future professionals who are able to pioneer the new academic sector demanded for the 21century's information society.

1. Majors
6. MS programs: Industrial Engineering
7. PhD programs: Industrial Engineering (details differ according professor)

Research Institutes

The Graduate program of Industrial and Systems Engineering covers the overall efficiency of systems. Students are prepared for system integration and system analysis by learning about theories and techniques used for integrating all components into a coherent system and analysis of completed system. The graduate program aims to teach students to develop the ability to design, operate and assess elements which comprise production, service and information systems. We also nurture future professionals who are able to pioneer the new academic sector demanded for the 21century's information society.

Career prospect

· 3 Research Institute for Industrial Technology The Research Institute for Industrial Technology (RIFIT) at Dongguk University aims to develop industrial technology from research projects in the industrial technology sectors and contribute to the development of the university and society. Since its establishment in 1974, it has promoted the development of Korean industrial technology and accomplished large research projects by expanding cooperation between industry and the university.

· 4 Institute for Information Convergence Technology (IICT) The Institute for Information Convergence Technology (IICT) was established in 2008 and consists of one chairman, one steering committee, a support team and 6 research departments. The Institute’s aim is to carry out advanced research and development information technologies, and extend societal, scientific, industrial and financial applications.

· 5 Millimeter-wave Innovation Technology Research Center The Millimeter-wave Innovation Technology (MINT) research center was established in 1999 under the sponsorship of Korean government. The purpose of MINT is to research and develop both active and passive devices in millimeter-waves.

· 6 Center for Advanced Colloidal Materials In 2004, the Center for Advanced Colloidal Materials (CACOM) in University was established in order to provide small and medium scale companies involved in functional colloidal materials with chemical analysis services and technical information with the support of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy of the Korean government.

· 7 Ubiquitous Supply Chain Management Research Center The Ubiquitous Supply chain Management Research Center was founded in March 2005 to carry our dedicated research and development of ubiquitous technologies (RFID) and systems in the areas of supply chain management. It places emphasis on collaboration between industry and academia.

· 8 Center for Advanced Printing Technology The Center for Advanced Printing Technology at Dongguk University was established in 2007 to promote research and development of digital printing technology and eco-friendly printing materials. The important research field of the Center is to develop a photo-sensitizer, an eco-friendly ink which is used for printing materials, and CTP surface treatment and coating process research. The center also engages in research in RFID, print electronics and development of electronic materials with printing technology.

Clean Energy Research Center
The Clean Energy Research Center (CERC) at Dongguk University was established in 2008 to promote research and development in environmentally clean energy resources. Its aim is to alleviate global warming and to provide stable energy sources. The center provides support and infrastructure for efficient execution of scientific research and technical development.
Hub University for Industrial Collaboration
This project has been promoted by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in association with the Ministry of Knowledge Economy. It aims to build a win-win system between the University and industry by supporting R&D in accordance with company needs, developing technology and cultivating manpower. With the help of the project, Dongguk University is scheduled to receive financial support from the organizations for 5 years (July 2009~ December 2013) and this amounts to approximately 15 billion Won.


Name Picture Major Final degree school E-mail
Bong-Hwan Koh 고봉환 Control and Automation Dartmouth College
Moon-Kyu Kwak 곽문규 Vibration and Contro Virginia Tech (VPI)
Heung-Soo Kim 김흥수 Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Arizona State Univ.
Soo-Hwan Park 박수환 Electric Machines Hanyang Univ.
Myung-Ho Song 송명호 Thermal engineering Purdue Univ.
Sang-Yong Lee 이상용 statistical thermodynamics & reaction Engineering U.of Pittsburgh
Seung-Jun Lee 이승준 Nano/Micro Mechanics Univ. of Michigan
Jae-Hun Lee 이재훈 Computational Mechanics & Design Seoul National Univ.
Jin-Woo Lee 이진우 Thermal Engineering Seoul National Univ.
Soo-Chul Lim 임수철 Robotics KAIST
Joong-Yeon Lim 임중연 Materials and design Univ. of California, Berkeley
Soo-Ho Jo 조수호 Analysis of Vibrations and Waves Seoul National Univ.
Min-Woo Han 한민우 Soft Robotics Seoul National Univ.
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Department of Architectural Engineering


Division of Architectural Engineering/
Major in Architecture and Major in Architectural Engineering

Architectural Engineering in the College of Industry was formally established as the Department of Construction in 1966 and renamed into Architectural Engineering in 1968.

The degree program was divided into the Architectural Engineering major and the Architecture major in the Division of Architectural Engineering for Undergraduate students.

The division aims to educate qualified architects and environmental designers who are able to provide professional services, with wider understanding of architecture, building science, urban design, landscape architecture and etc in global business settings.

The study of Architectural Engineering and Architecture provides graduates with diverse career paths to industry, academia, institutes, design firms and other related fields.

Architecture Curriculum

Design Communications / Visual Perception and Art / Social Syntax and Configuration / Architectural Design III / History of Korean Architecture / Introduction to Architectural Design I: Architectural Space / Building Technology / City Design and Physical Planning / Introduction to the Architectural Profession / Architectural Design I / History of Western Architecture / Introduction to Architectural Design II: User Need and Space Programming / Technology and Society / Ecological Architecture / Modernism and Contemporary Architecture / Architectural Design III / Professional Practice / Multimedia Application to Architecture / Introduction to Architecture / Architectural Graphics / History of East Asian Architecture / Landscape Architecture / History of the Built Environment / Environmental Controls of Buildings / Architectural Design Ⅱ

Architectural Engineering Curriculum

Design Communications / Visual Perception and Art / Social Syntax and Configuration / Architectural Creative Engineering Design / Building Mechanical System / Integrated Construction Engineering Design 2 / Strength of Materials / Structural Engineering Laboratory / Architectural Lighting and Acoustic Environment Engineering / Building Structures / Utility Services in Buildings / Construction Execution and Methods Ⅱ / Design of Steel Structures / Construction Execution and Methods I / Architectural Thermal Environment Engineering/ Computer Methods in Architectural Engineering / Structural Mechanics in Buildings 1 / Construction Planning and Scheduling / Reinforced Concrete Design in Buildings1 / Construction Project Management 1 / Construction Project Management-2 / Construction Materials/ Structural Mechanics in Buildings 2 / Understanding Buildings / Construction Laws and Contracts/ / Reinforced Concrete Design in Buildings 2 / Structural Analysis of Building / Construction Documents and Estimation / Integrated Construction Engineering Design 1

Graduate Program

The graduate program of Architectural Engineering was established in 1977 with the objective of generating architects who can contribute to human welfare by achieving the best combination of cutting-edge technologies and art, and the program has produced 241 graduates. The graduate program of Architectural Engineering aims to nurture future architects and architectural engineers with international competitiveness by teaching them analytic thinking and expertise and by developing creativity and comprehensive abilities.


- Majors

MS programs: Architectural Planning / Architectural Structure / Architectural Building / Architectural Design PhD programs: Architectural Planning / Architectural Structure / Architectural Building

Website :


- 0 Fluid Mechanics -1 Introduction to Computer-Aided Design -2 Introduction to Engineering analysis

- 3 Applied Mechanics -4 Geotechnical Engineering Design -5 Civil and Environmental System Capstone Design

- 6 Strength of Materials -7 Creative Engineering Design -8 Introduction to Civil & Environmental System Engineering

- 9 Water and Environment -10 Application of Engineering Software -11 System Design for Aquatic Environment and Facility

- 12 Environmental Engineering -13 Rock and Tunnel Engineering -14 Contracts and Legal Issues in Construction

- 15 Civil Engineering Geology -16 Computational Analysis of Structures -17 Design of RC and PSC Structures

- 18 Design of Steel Structures -19 Hydraulic Analysis and Experiment -20 Materials and Testing for Civil Engineers

- 21 Surveying and Practice -22 Environmental Hydraulics Engineering -23 Construction Engineering Estimation & Methods

- 24 Structural Analysis -25 Reinforced Concrete -26 Water Quality Engineering and Experiment

- 27 Soil Mechanics II -28 Soil Mechanics and Testing -29 Introduction Construction Project Management

Graduate Program

The graduate program of Civil and Environmental System Engineering covers very diverse engineering fields ranging from planning, designing and constructing infrastructure systems to maintaining and operating those systems. Civil engineering infrastructure systems include a range of facilities, such as harbors, dams, reservoirs, roads and industrial facilities. The Civil and Environmental Engineering Program aims to nurture professional engineers with responsibility and creativity in the field of civil and environmental engineering. We also train future engineers who can respond to changes in advanced technology such as automation and development of civil and environmental structures' design and building, conduct high level of research and contribute to opening a more convenient future than ever before.


3. Majors
1. MS programs: Structural Engineering / Geographical Engineering / Water Resources Engineering / Construction Management
2. PhD programs: Structural Engineering / Geographical Engineering / Water Resources Engineering / Construction Management


Name Picture Final degree school Major
Jae-Seob Lee 이재섭 Seoul National Univ. Structure Engineering
Jong-Su Choi 최종수 Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison Construction Management
In-Ho Yang 양인호 Seoul National Univ. Environmental Engineering
Kwan-Soon Park 박관순 Seoul National Univ. Structural Analysis
Myeong-Sik Lee 이명식 Dongguk Univ. Architecture & CAD
Gwang-Ya Han 한광야 Univ. of Pennsylvania Urban Design
Yong-Un Peck 백용운 Tokyo Univ.
Jung-Aa Kim 김정아 Hongik Univ.
Interior Design
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Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering



Starting in 1967, the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering has provided a strong education in management of production and logistics systems, management of quality and service systems, optimization and systems analysis, human engineering, and IT for effective planning and business management.

The ultimate goal of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering is to cultivate systems engineers and techno-managers who have global awareness and leadership skills and who can apply management skills and recent information technology to management problem- solving, using analytic and integral thinking. Graduates are qualified to work in the areas of production, manufacturing, design of products and processes, management and planning in manufacturing companies.


- 0 Creative Engineering Design -1 Technology Management -2 Special Topics in Information Systems Engineering

- 3 Safety Engineering -4 Database System Design and Practice -5 Senior Project in Industrial and Systems Engineering 1

- 6 Accounting for Engineers -7 Management Information System -8 Introduction to Industrial and Systems Engineering

- 9 Ergonomics -10 Product Development -11 Industrial Systems Programming and Practice

- 12 CAD and Laboratory Work -13 Advanced Manufacturing Processes -14 Information Systems Analysis, Design and Practice

- 15 Project Management -16 Logistics Quality Management -17 Production and Operations management

- 18 Management Science 2 -19 Applied Probability for Engineers -20 Technological Entrepreneurship and Feasibility Analysis

- 21 Marketing for Engineers -22 Advanced Manufacturing Processes -23 Senior Project in Industrial and Systems Engineering 2

- 24 Service Innovation -25 Sensibility Ergonomics and Design Engineering -26 Introduction to Service Science

- 27 Management Science 1 -28 Introduction to Financial Engineering -29 Applied Statistics for Engineers

- 30 Business Intelligence -31 Decision Analysis Simulation and Its Applications

Graduate Program

The Graduate program of Industrial and Systems Engineering covers the overall efficiency of systems. Students are prepared for system integration and system analysis by learning about theories and techniques used for integrating all components into a coherent system and analysis of completed system.

The graduate program aims to teach students to develop the ability to design, operate and assess elements which comprise production, service and information systems. We also nurture future professionals who are able to pioneer the new academic sector demanded for the 21century's information society.

1. Majors
6. MS programs: Industrial Engineering
7. PhD programs: Industrial Engineering (details differ according professor)


Name Picture Major Final degree school E-mail
Byung-Un Yoon 윤병운 Industrial engineering Seoul National Univ.
Se-Kyoung Yeom 염세경 Industrial engineering Dongguk Univ.
Young-Doo Son 손영두 Industrial engineering Seoul National Univ.
Joon-Ho Jang 장준호 Industrial engineering Penn State U.
So-Jung Kim 김소정 Industrial Systems Engineering Univ. of Arizona
Sung-Bum Jeon 전성범 Industrial engineering Purdue Univ.
Yong-Yoon Seo 서용윤 Industrial engineering Seoul National Univ.
Jung-Woo Baek 백정우 Industrial engineering Sungkyunkwan Univ.
Kwanho Kim 김관호 Industrial Intelligence Seoul National Univ.
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Department of Energy and Materials Engineering



Department of Energy and Materials Engineering at Dongguk University has started undergraduate and graduate degree programs under the College of Engineering since 2013. With the increasing demand for energy and electronics materials engineers, our department focuses on the research and education on materials science and engineering for next-generation energy and electronic devices. Now we pursuit to develop our department as one of the world’s best materials engineering department.

Students and faculty members in our department often attest to our vibrant environment for teaching and research with good infrastructure, state-of-the-art facilities and interactive training. Inter-disciplinary research is always emphasized, involving academics and researchers from world-class research institutions and universities. With an excellent history of Dongguk University, our department expects to receive international recognition and attraction in the materials science and engineering and relevant fields.

Apart from nurturing students with a passion for research and innovation, our department aims to provide an integrated science-driven and application-oriented engineering education in advanced material science for cutting-edge technologies.


Creative Materials Engineering Design / Introduction to Energy Engineering / Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering / Thermodynamics of Materials I / Thermodynamics of Materials II / Mechanical Properties of Materials / Chemistry of Organic Materials / Introduction to Crystallography of Materials / Experiment I for Materials Science / Physical Chemistry I / Physical Chemistry II / Electrical properties of materials

Graduate Program

MS programs: Department of Energy and Materials Engineering
PhD programs: Department of Energy and Materials Engineering


Name Picture Major Final degree school E-mail
Jae-Joon Lee 이재준 Electro Chemistry, Energy chemistry,
Nano chemistry
Case Western Reserve Univ.
Kyung-Wan Nam 남경완 Material chemistry,
Material electrochemical
Yonsei Univ.
Young-Kyu Han 한영규교수 Physics and chemistry KAIST
Jae-Min Oh 오제민 Inorganic chemistry (Solid chemistry) Seoul National Univ.
Hyun-Suk Kim 김현석 Electronic Materials KAIST
Sae-Youn Lee 이세연 Organic Electronic Materials and Devices Kyushu Univ.
Jea-Woong Jo 조제웅 Energy material, Nano material Seoul National Univ.
Soon-cheol Kwon 권순철 Organic semiconductor materials and devices Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
Ha-neul Jin 진하늘 Nano Chemistry, Material Electrochemistry Korea univ.
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